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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

okay, I know I am 32 years old and I should not have a Emmet pic on my blog. This is the reason I have it on here, Tay is so obsessed with the movie "twilight" and she is always saying she doesn't know if she is team Edward or team Jacob. I told her I was team Emmet and that I thought that he would have made a better Edward. This twilight obsession with tay is so funny, when I broke my leg over the summer I read all of the books for the twilight series and I gave tay the book and told her I thought she would like to read them. She read half of twilight and said " I can not get into this book" then school starts and now see wants every thing twilight, her room has all the posters on the walls and now she is getting the teen mags so she can get pics out of them to put on her walls. Tay is such a good kid and me and her have such a open relationship {I hope} And I want to keep it that way. I know some parents and friends might say twilight is not good to read and she should not be reading the books, My feeling is she is a teenager and their are going to be a lot of books,movies and music that she will be into and if I tell her no you can not do that she is going to go behind my back just to see and do what I said no to. I love that she tells me very thing she does{ I think she does at least} good or bad, I just have to learn not to get upset and just listen and tell her that I hope she makes better decisions or tell her she did make the right decision. I could go on and on, I know I really went off subject I am going to end it here.

Emmet! lol

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