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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

tj has the hiccups, and cant stop laughing

Thursday, May 28, 2009

over the weekend we got the fire pit out. We have always had it on the deck and every time jon says should we put the pit down in the yard. I just look at him and say " i don't know" well tay came out of the house and said " you guys are crazy, your going to burn down the deck" Me and jon just looked at each other and laughed. we have decided we are going to put it in the middle of the yard the next time. I guess jon has always been worried, becouse when I was taking a pic I seen that he brought the hose on the

Saturday, May 16, 2009

today was t.js second game for the season and also picture day. I am going to video him playing on my phone next game, so everyone can see how happy he is when he gets up to bat and run the bases.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

tay made the cutest little creature at school. she named it "el burrito. I just had to show it off after I showed what t.j made.

I just had to show off my mothers day card t.j made for me.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

we went to t.js first game this year, he was so tired because it was the first game of the day. The game started at 9:45, we had to get up really early because it takes 30 min. to get to the field. I knew he was so tired because he could not even hold his head up during the game.

I am so proud of Taylor, she brought her very first D grade back up to an A. You should have seen my face when I seen her grade, I thought my eyes were seeing things. I

tay before recital